Der Talentbaum des Gesetzlosigkeit-Schurken in Dragonflight.
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Zum neuen World of Warcraft-Addon namens Dragonflight bekommen alle Klassen und Specs neue Talentbäume spendiert, die es uns wieder ermöglichen, zahlreiche Punkte auszugeben. Bisher hat Blizzard die Talentbäume der Todesritter, Druiden und Priester veröffentlicht. Jetzt gibt es Nachschlag.
Am Wochenende hat Blizzard die drei Talentbäume des Schurken veröffentlicht, die ich euch auf dieser Seite präsentieren möchte.
WICHTIG: Bislang wurden die Talentbäume nur auf Englisch veröffentlicht, manche Talente haben noch keine finalen Namen. Ohne deutsche Alpha/Beta beziehungsweise Veröffentlichung Blizzards gebe ich hier erstmal die englischen Namen und Effekte durch, da ich keine falschen Angaben machen möchte.
Folgende Fähigkeiten und Talente sind für jeden Schurken-Spec verfügbar beziehungsweise auswählbar:
All maximum level Rogues will have access to these abilities. They are earned through leveling and do not require you to spend talent points to have them.
Ambush: Ambush the target, causing Physical damage. Awards 2 combo points. Requires Stealth.
Cheap Shot: Stuns the target for 4 sec. Awards 1 combo point. Requires Stealth.
Crimson Vial: Drink an alchemical concoction that heals you for 20% of your maximum health over 4 sec.
Distract: Throws a distraction, attracting the attention of all nearby monsters for 10 seconds. Usable while stealthed.
Eviscerate: Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point.
Kick: A quick kick that interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 5 sec.
Pick Lock: Allows opening of locked chests and doors that require a skill level.
Pick Pocket: Pick the target’s pocket.
Poisons: Apply potent venom to your weapons.
Shroud of Concealment: Extend a cloak that shrouds party and raid members within 30 yards in shadows, providing stealth for 15 sec.
Sinister Strike: Viciously strike an enemy, causing 381 Physical damage. Awards 1 combo point.
Slice and Dice: Finishing move that consumes combo points to increase attack speed by 50%. Lasts longer per combo point.
Sprint: Increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 sec. Usable while stealth.
Stealth: Conceals you in the shadows until cancelled, allowing you to stalk enemies without being seen.
Vanish: Allows you to vanish from sight, entering stealth while in combat. For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.
Safe Fall: Reduces damage from falling.
Garrote: Garrote the enemy, causing Bleed damage over 18 sec.
Blind: Blinds the target, causing it to wander disoriented for 1 min. Damage will interrupt the effect. Limit 1.
Sap: Incapacitates a target not in combat for 1 min. Only works on Humanoids, Beasts, Demons, and Dragonkin. Damage will revive the target. Limit 1.
Evasion: Increases your dodge chance by 100% for 10 sec.
Feint: Performs an evasive maneuver, reducing damage taken from area-of-effect attacks by 40% for 6 sec.
Cloak of Shadows: Provides a moment of magic immunity, instantly removing all harmful spell effects. The cloak lingers, causing you to resist harmful spells for 5 sec.
Master Poisoner: Increases the non-damaging effects of your weapon poisons by 20%.
Numbing Poison: Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 50% chance of poisoning the enemy, clouding their mind and slowing their attack and casting speed by 15% for 10 sec.
Nimble Fingers: Energy cost of Feint and Crimson Vial reduced by 5.
Gouge: Gouges the eyes of an enemy target, incapacitating for 4 sec. Damage will interrupt the effect. Must be in front of your target. Awards 1 combo point.
Rushed Setup: The Energy costs of Kidney Shot, Cheap Shot, Sap, and Distract are reduced by 20%.
Tricks of the Trade: Redirects all threat you cause to the targeted party or raid member, beginning with your next damaging attack within the next 30 sec and lasting 6 sec.
Shadowrunner: While Stealth or Shadow Dance is active, you move 20% faster.
Improved Wound Poison [NNF]: Wound Poison can now stack 2 additional times.
Fleet Footed: Movement speed increased by 15%.
Iron Stomach: Increases the healing you receive from Crimson Vial, healing potions, and healthstones by 25%.
Improved Sprint [NNF]: Reduces the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec.
Prey on the Weak: Enemies disabled by your Cheap Shot or Kidney Shot take 10% increased damage from all sources for 6 sec.
Shadowstep: Grants 1 charge of Shadowstep. Step through the shadows to appear behind your target and gain 70% increased movement speed for 2 sec.
Subterfuge: Your abilities requiring Stealth can still be used for 3 sec after Stealth breaks.
Improved Garrote [NNF]: Garrote Silences the target for 3 sec when used from Stealth.
Recuperator: Slice and Dice heals you for up to 1% of your maximum health per 2 sec.
Improved Sap: Energy cost of Sap reduced by 100%.
Deadly Precision: Increases the critical strike chance of your attacks that generate combo points by [5/
Virulent Poisons: Increases the damage of your weapon poisons by [10/
Versatility Bonus [NNF]: Versatility increased by [2/
Improved Ambush: Ambush has a [50/
Tight Spender: Energy cost of finishing moves reduced by [8/
Nightstalker: While Stealth is active, your abilities deal [10/
Cold Blood: Increases the critical strike chance of your next damaging ability by 100%. 45 second cooldown.
Acrobatic Strikes: Increases the range of your melee attacks by 3 yds.
Marked for Death: Marks the target, instantly generating 5 combo points. Cooldown reset if the target dies within 1 min.
Leeching Poison: Adds a Leeching Poison effect to your Deadly Poison and Wound Poison, granting you 12% Leech.
Lethality: Critical strike chance increased by [1/
Elusiveness: Feint also reduces all damage you take from non-area-of-effect attacks by 30% for 6 sec.
Alacrity: Your finishing moves have a [7/
Cheat Death: Fatal attacks instead reduce you to 7% of your maximum health. For 3 sec afterward, you take 85% reduced damage. Cannot trigger more often than once per 6 min.
Seal Fate: When you critically strike with a melee attack that generates combo points, you have a [50/
Vigor: Increases your maximum Energy by 50 and your Energy regeneration by 15%.
Echoing Reprimand: Deal Arcane damage to an enemy, extracting their anima to Animacharge a combo point for 45 sec. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Animacharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points. Awards 2 combo points.
Deeper Stratagem: Gain 1 additional max combo point. Your finishing moves that consume more than 5 combo points have increased effects.
Find Weakness: Your Stealth abilities reveal a flaw in your target’s defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass [20/
Thistle Tea: Restore 100 Energy. Max 3 Charges. 1 minute cooldown.
Resounding Clarity: Echoing Reprimand Animacharges [1/
Shadow Dance: Grants 1 charge of Shadow Dance. Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 9 sec, and increases damage by 10%. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.
Mutilate (replaces Sinister Strike): Attack with both weapons, dealing Physical damage. Awards 2 combo points.
Envenom (replaces Eviscerate): Finishing move that drives your poisoned blades in deep, dealing instant Nature damage and increasing your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point.
Poisoned Knife: Throws a poison-coated knife, dealing damage and applying your active Lethal and Non-Lethal Poisons.
Deadly Poison: Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hours. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal Nature damage.
Fan of Knives: Sprays knives at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing Physical damage and applying your active poisons at their normal rate. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Awards 1 combo point.
Stealth Poisons [NNF]: While Stealth is active, your attacks always apply your active Lethal and Non-Lethal Poisons.
Shadowstep: Grants 1 charge of Shadowstep. Step through the shadows to appear behind your target and gain 70% increased movement speed for 2 sec.
Cut to the Chase: Envenom extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to [1/
Elaborate Planning: Your finishing moves grant [4/
Improved Poison Chance [NNF]: Increases the application chance of your poisons by [10/
Bloody Mess: Garrote and Rupture damage increased by [10/
Internal Bleeding: Kidney Shot also deals Bleed damage over 6 sec, based on combo points spent. Two Rank Talent, ranks increased Bleed damage.
Poisoned Katar: Fan of Knives’s damage is increased by 15%, and it has a 5% increased critical strike chance.
Shiv: Attack with your poisoned blades, dealing Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.
Atrophic Poison: Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, reducing their damage by 3% for 10 sec.
Improved Garrote: Garrote deals 50% increased damage and has no cooldown when used from Stealth and for 3 sec after breaking Stealth.
Intent to Kill: Shadowstep’s cooldown is reduced by 33% when used on a target afflicted by your Garrote.
Crimson Tempest: Finishing move that slashes all enemies within 10 yards, dealing instant damage and causing victims to bleed for additional damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Lasts longer per combo point.
Improved Shiv: Shiv now also increases your Nature damage done against the target by 20% for 9 sec.
Master Assassin: While Stealth is active and for 3 sec after breaking Stealth, your critical strike chance is increased by 30%.
Exsanguinate: Twist your blades into the target’s wounds, causing your Bleed effects on them to bleed out 100% faster.
Flying Daggers: Fan of Knives’ radius is increased to 15 yds and deals 15% more damage when it strikes 5 or more targets.
Vicious Venoms: Your Mutilate and auto-attacks deal [25/
Deathmark: Carve a deathmark into an enemy, dealing Bleed damage over 15 sec. While marked your Garrote, Rupture, and Lethal poisons applied to the target are duplicated. 2 minute cooldown.
Lethal Dose: Deal [1/
Iron Wire: Increase the duration of Garrote’s silence effect by 3 sec.
Maim, Mangle: Garrote increases the damage of your Mutilate on the target by 30%.
Amplifying Poison: Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, dealing Nature damage and applying Amplification for 10 sec. Envenom can consume 15 stacks of Amplification to deal 30% increased damage. Max 20 stacks.
Twist the Knife: Envenom duration increased by 3 sec.
Doomblade: Mutilate deals an additional 30% Bleed damage over 8 sec.
Blindside: Ambush and Mutilate have a 20% chance to make your next Ambush free and usable without Stealth. Chance increased to 40% if the target is under 30% health.
Venom Rush: Mutilate refunds 8 Energy when used against a poisoned target.
Poison Bomb: Envenom and Rupture have a 4% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target’s location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals Nature damage over 2 sec to all enemies within it.
Venomous Wounds: You regain 5 Energy each time your Garrote, Rupture, or Internal Bleeding deal Bleed damage to a poisoned target.
Sepsis: Infect the target’s blood, dealing Nature damage over 10 sec. If the target survives its full duration, they suffer additional damage and you gain 1 use of any Stealth ability for 5 sec. Cooldown reduced by 30 sec if Sepsis does not last its full duration. Awards 1 combo point.
Zoldyck Recipe: Your Poisons and Bleeds deal [10/
Dashing Scoundrel: Envenom also increases the critical strike chance of your poisons by [5/
Scent of Blood: Rupture increases your Agility based on your character level. You may gain this benefit for each enemy suffering from your Rupture. Three Rank Talent, ranks increase Agility gained.
Tiny Toxic Blade: Shiv deals 500% increased damage and no longer costs Energy.
Dragon-Tempered Blades: You may apply 1 additional Lethal and Non-Lethal Poison to your weapons.
Indiscriminate Carnage: Your next Garrote and your next Rupture also apply to all enemies within 10 yards of the target, dealing reduced damage beyond 8 targets. 1.5 minute cooldown.
Improved Sinister Strike [NNF]: The energy cost of Sinister Strike is reduced by 5.
Dispatch (replaces Eviscerate): Finishing move that dispatches the enemy, dealing damage per combo point.
Pistol Shot: Draw a concealed pistol and fire a quick shot at an enemy, dealing Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
Opportunity: Sinister Strike has a 35% chance to hit an additional time, making your next Pistol Shot half cost and double damage.
Blade Flurry: Strikes up to nearby 5 targets for Physical damage, and causes your single target attacks to also strike up to 4 nearby enemies for 60% of normal damage for 12 sec.
Grappling Hook: Launch a grappling hook and pull yourself to the target location.
Adrenaline Rush: Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 60%, your maximum Energy by 50, and your attack speed by 20% for 20 sec.
Between the Eyes: Finishing move that deals damage with your pistol, increasing your critical strike chance against the target by 20%.
Retractable Hook: Reduces the cooldown of Grappling Hook by 15 sec, and increases its retraction speed.
Improved Evasion [NNF]: Dodging an attack while Evasion is active will trigger Mastery: Main Gauche.
Weaponmaster: Sinister Strike has a 10% increased chance to strike an additional time.
Roll the Bones: Roll the dice of fate, providing a random combat enhancement for 30 sec.
Ambidexterity: Main Gauche has an additional 5% chance to strike while Blade Flurry is active.
Ace Up Your Sleeve: Between the Eyes has a 4% chance per combo point spent to grant 4 combo points.
Hit and Run: Movement speed increased by 15%.
Blinding Powder: Reduces the cooldown of Blind by 30 sec and increases its range by 5 yds.
Ruthlessness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point spent to grant a combo point.
Loaded Dice: Activating Adrenaline Rush causes your next Roll the Bones to grant at least two matches.
Restless Blades: Finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown of many Rogue skills by 1 sec per combo point spent. Affected skills: Adrenaline Rush, Between the Eyes, Blade Flurry, Grappling Hook, Keep it Rolling, Roll the Bones, Sepsis, Shadow Dance, Sprint, and Vanish.
Sleight of Hand: Roll the Bones has a 10% increased chance of granting additional matches.
Quick Draw: Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot granted by Sinister Strike now generate 1 additional combo point, and deal 50% additional damage.
Dirty Tricks: Cheap Shot, Gouge, and Sap no longer cost Energy.
Heavy Hitter: Ambush Supercharges 1 combo point for 45 sec. Finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Supercharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points.
Ghostly Strike: Strikes an enemy, dealing Physical damage and causing the target to take 10% increased damage from your abilities for 10 sec.
Improved Slice and Dice [NNF]: Slice and Dice grants an additional 3% attack speed per combo point spent.
Float Like a Butterfly: Restless Blades now also reduces the remaining cooldown of Evasion and Feint by 0.5 sec per combo point spent.
Combat Stamina: Stamina increased by 10%.
Dreadblades: Strike at an enemy, dealing Physical damage and empowering your weapons for 10 sec, causing your Sinister Strike, Ambush, and Pistol Shot to fill your combo points, but your finishing moves consume 5% of your current health.
Long Arm of the Outlaw: Increases the range of your melee attacks by 3 yards while Blade Flurry is active.
Audacity: Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot have a 35% chance to cause your next Ambush to be usable without Stealth. Chance to trigger this effect matches the chance for your Sinister Strike to strike an additional time.
Deeper Stratagem: Gain 1 additional max combo point. Your finishing moves that consume more than 5 combo points have increased effects.
Combat Potency: Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 30%.
Fatal Flourish: Your off-hand attacks have a 75% chance to generate 10 Energy.
Dancing Steel: Blade Flurry strikes 3 additional enemies and its duration is increased by 3 sec.
Triple Threat: Sinister Strike has a [10/
Count the Odds: Ambush and Dispatch have a [10/
Improved Main Gauche: Main Gauche has an additional 5%/
Sepsis: Infect the target’s blood, dealing Nature damage over 10 sec. If the target survives its full duration, they suffer additional damage and you gain 1 use of any Stealth ability for 5 sec. Cooldown reduced by 30 sec if Sepsis does not last its full duration. Awards 1 combo point.
Blade Rush: Charge to your target with your blades out, dealing Physical damage to the target and a lesser amount of Physical damage to all other nearby enemies. While Blade Flurry is active, damage to non-primary targets is increased by 100%. Generates 25 Energy over 5 sec.
Restless Crew: Restless Blades also affects party members within 40 yds, reducing the remaining cooldown of a major offensive ability by 0.2 sec per combo point spent.
Killing Spree: Teleport to an enemy within 10 yards, attacking with both weapons for Physical damage over 2 sec. While Blade Flurry is active, also hits up to 4 nearby enemies for 100% damage.
Precise Cuts:Blade Flurry damage is increased by an additional 3% per missing target below its maximum.
Take ’em by Surprise: Haste increased by [10/
Dispatcher: When your Dispatch consumes 5 or more combo points, Dispatch deals 5% increased damage and costs 5 less energy for 6 sec. Max [3/
Fan the Hammer: Sinister Strike has a 5% increased chance to strike an additional time. When it does, gain [1/
Hidden Opportunity: Effects that grant a chance for Sinister Strike to strike an additional time also apply to Ambush.
Keep it Rolling: Increase the remaining duration of your active Roll the Bones combat enhancements by 30 sec. 5 minute cooldown.
Greenskin’s Wickers: Between the Eyes has a 20% chance per Combo Point to increase the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 300%.
Backstab (replaces Sinister Strike): Stab the target, causing Physical damage. Damage increased by 20% when you are behind your target. Awards 1 combo point.
Shadowstrike (replaces Ambush): Strike the target, dealing Physical damage. While Stealthed, you strike through the shadows and appear behind your target up to 25 yds away, dealing 25% additional damage. Awards 2 combo point.
Shuriken Toss: Throws a shuriken at an enemy target dealing Physical damage. Awards 1 combo point.
Improved Backstab [NNF]: Backstab has a 15% increased chance to critically strike. When you are behind your target, Backstab critical strikes now also expose a flaw in their defenses, applying Find Weakness for 10 sec.
Shadowstep: Grants 1 charge of Shadowstep. Step through the shadows to appear behind your target, increasing your movement speed by 70% for 2 sec.
Shuriken Storm: Sprays shurikens at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Awards 1 combo point per target hit.
Weaponmaster: Shadowstrike and Backstab have a 15% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage.
Shadow Focus: Abilities cost 20% less Energy while Stealth is active.
Quick Decisions: Shadowstep’s cooldown is reduced by 20%, and its range is increased by 20%.
Veil Touched: Your abilities deal 10% increased magic damage.
Relentless Strikes: Your finishing moves generate 6 Energy per combo point spent.
Shot in the Dark: After entering Stealth or Shadow Dance, your next Cheap Shot is free.
Premeditation: After entering Stealth, your next Shadowstrike grants up to 10 sec of Slice and Dice, and generates 2 additional combo points if Slice and Dice is active.
Shadow Dance: Grants 1 charge of Shadow Dance. Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 9 sec, and increases damage by 10%. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.
Black Powder: Finishing move that launches explosive Black Powder at all nearby enemies dealing Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
Night Terrors: Shuriken Storm reduces enemies’ movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
Gloomblade (Replaces Backstab): Punctures your target with your shadow-infused blade dealing Shadow damage, bypassing armor. Awards 1 combo point.
Shadow Techniques: Your auto attacks have a chance to generate 1 combo point and 8 Energy.
Shadow Blades: Draws upon surrounding shadows to empower your weapons, causing your combo point generating abilities to generate 1 additional combo point and deal 30% additional damage as Shadow for 20 sec.
Improved Shuriken Storm [NNF]: Shuriken Storm has an additional 15% chance to crit, and its critical strikes apply Find Weakness for 6 sec.
Secret Technique: Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets.
Symbols of Death: Invoke ancient symbols of power, generating 40 Energy and increasing your damage done by 10% for 10 sec.
Master of Shadows: Gain 25 Energy over 3 sec when you enter Stealth or activate Shadow Dance.
Deepening Shadows: Your finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown on Shadow Dance by 1 sec per combo point spent.
The First Dance: Activating Shadow Dance generates 4 combo points.
Replicating Shadows: Rupture deals an additional 30% damage as Shadow and applies to 1 additional enemy within 8 yds.
Shrouded in Darkness: Shroud of Concealment increases the movement speed of all party and raid members within its radius by 50%.
Planned Execution: Symbols of Death also increases your critical strike chance by [5/
Stiletto Staccato: Shadow Techniques now also reduces the remaining cooldown of Shadow Blades by [1/
Shadowed Finishers: Eviscerate and Black Powder deal an additional [20/
Dark Brew: Increases the damage of your weapon poisons by 30%. Rogue abilities that deal Nature damage now deal Shadow instead.
Inevitability: Backstab and Shadowstrike extend the duration of Symbols of Death by 0.5 sec.
Without a Trace: Vanish has 1 additional charge.
Fade to Nothing: Movement speed increased by 20% and damage taken reduced by 10% for 8 sec after gaining Stealth, Vanish, or Shadow Dance.
Cloaked in Shadows: Vanish grants you a shield for 6 sec, absorbing damage equal to 30% of your maximum health.
Deeper Daggers: Eviscerate and Black Powder increase your Shadow damage dealt by 15% for 8 sec.
Sepsis: Infect the target’s blood, dealing Nature damage over 10 sec. If the target survives its full duration, they suffer additional damage and you gain 1 use of any Stealth ability for 5 sec. Cooldown reduced by 30 sec if Sepsis does not last its full duration. Awards 1 combo point.
Perforated Veins: Shadowstrike increases the damage of your next Backstab by 35%, stacking up to 3 times.
Dark Shadow: Shadow Dance increases damage by an additional 15%.
Deeper Stratagem: You have 1 additional maximum combo point. Your finishing moves may consume 1 additional combo point, increasing their effects.
Shuriken Tornado: Focus intently, then release a Shuriken Storm every sec for the next 4 sec. 1 minute cooldown.
Invigorating Shadowdust: Vanish reduces the cooldown of your other Rogue abilities by [10/
Lingering Shadow: After Shadow Dance ends, Backstab deals an additional [50/
Finality: Eviscerate, Rupture, and Black Powder increase the damage of the next use of the same finishing move by [15/
The Rotten: After activating Symbols of Death, your next Shadowstrike or Backstab deals 50% increased damage, generates 4 additional combo points, and is guaranteed to critically strike.
Shadow Mist: Gaining Stealth, Vanish, or Shadow Dance expels Shadow Mist nearby. Walking through Shadow Mist refreshes the cooldown of Shadowstep and Supercharges a combo point. Damaging finishing moves that consume the same number of combo points as your Supercharge function as if they consumed 7 combo points.
Flagellation: Lash the target for Shadow damage, causing each combo point spent within 12 sec to lash for an additional damage. Dealing damage with Flagellation increases your Haste by 1%, persisting 12 sec after their torment fades.
Thank you for reading, and we look forward to hearing your impressions and feedback of the continuing development of our next expansion.
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