
Vault of the Incarnates: Der erste Raid von Dragonflight

Vault of the Incarnates: Das ist der Endboss des ersten Dragonflight-Raids

Die Alpha von World of Warcraft: Dragonflight ist da! Und das bedeutet, dass wir einen ersten Blick auf zahlreiche Inhalte des neuesten Addons des erfolgreichen MMOs werfen können.

Dazu gehört auch der erste Raid von Dragonflight, dessen Name inzwischen bekannt ist. Weiterhin haben wir Bilder von vier Bossen, die Namen aller Bosse sowie Fähigkeiten. Doch Vorsicht: Teilweise sind diese nicht final und mitunter Platzhalter, weswegen ich erstmal nur die englischen Bezeichnungen wiedergeben werde, um Übersetzungsfehler zu vermeiden.

Raszageth heißt der Endboss des ersten Raids

Was wir aber wissen: Der erste Raid heißt Vault of the Incarnates (Verlies der Inkarnierten) und der Endboss ist ein weiblicher Protodrache namens Raszageth. Die “Sturmfresserin” will den blauen Drachenschwarm vernichten, was uns während der Questline im Gebiet Azure Span erklärt wird. Der Raid schließt die Geschichte rund um Kalecgos und Raszageth dann ab.

Nachfolgend findet ihr die die bereits bekannten Bosse samt Fähigkeiten und Bildern, sofern vorhanden.





  • Collapsing Army: At 100 energy, Eranog raises an army of Collapsing Flame.
    • Collapse: Collapsing Flames inflicts 444265 Fire damage and stun all players in their path for 3 sec.
    • Pulsing Flames: Inflicts 13328 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec.
  • Primal Flow: Creates a Primal Flow at any players’ hit by Molten Swing location.
    • Molten Barrier: Eranog’s allies gain a Molten Barrier when entering a Primal Flow. Granting them a shield that absorbs 236714 damage.
  • Primal Forces: Eranog calls upon Frenzied Taraseks to aid him in battle.
  • Blazing Brand: Eranog calls down a hail of molten lava to brand his enemies, causing them to inflict 12 Fire damage to themselves and nearby players for 9 sec sec.
    Creates a Primal Flow on expiration.
  • Molten Swing: Inflicts 99960 Physical damage to all enemies in front of the caster, applying Melting Armor and creating a Primal Flow at their location.
    Applies Rising Heat to all enemy players.
    • Melting Armor: Inflicts 22213 Fire damage every 2 sec and increases damage taken by Molten Swing by 100%.
    • Fire Strike: Eranog unleashes a flurry of flame, creating a Primal Flow and inflicting 111066 Fire damage to players within 6 yards of the impact.
  • Rising Heat: Eranog inflicts 2221 Fire damage all enemy players every 2 seconds.
    This effect stacks.



The Primalists have shaped Terros from the earth itself, creating a brutal force of destruction to unleash on their foes. Though their work is unfinished, Terros is fully prepared (and eager) to break the bodies of anyone who dares disturb him.

  • Overview: Terros creates [Earth Ejections] that fill the area around him with [Primed Earth]. The effects of [Detonating Smash] and [Obliterating Slam] will clear any [Primed Earth] they contact.
    Terros must be defeated before [Shattered Earth] covers too much ground.
  • Abilities: [html]

    • Rumbling Impact: Terros unleashes a mighty blow upon the ground, inflicting 111066 Nature damage to players within 12 yards of the impact.
      Causes Pulverizing Stones to rain from the ceiling.
      • Pulverizing Stones: Stones rain from the ceiling, inflicting 88853 Nature damage to players in the impact zone.
        Creates a patch of Shattered Earth at the location of the impact.
        • Shattered Earth: The jagged aftermath of Terros’s assault rends the flesh of players.
          Any player that touches a patch of this Shattered Earth bleeds for 11107 Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
    • Earth Ejection: Terros launches a gigantic earthen missile at a random player, inflicting 399839 Nature damage.
      This damage is spread amongst all the players it impacts.
      • Earth Detonation: These missiles lock-on to random players and explode on impact with their target, inflicting 22213 Nature damage to any players caught in the blast.
        Create Primed Earth at the location of the impacts.
        • Primed Earth: If any player steps on Primed Earth, it causes an Violent Discharge.
          When destroyed, Primed Earth releases an Energy Wave.
          Each Primed Earth causes Tectonic Dissonance.
          • Tectonic Dissonance: The tectonic energy released by each Primed Earth inflicts 4443 Nature damage every 3 seconds to all players.
          • Energy Wave: Inflicts 44427 Nature damage to all players.
            Causes all players to take an additional 4 Nature damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.
          • Violent Discharge: Inflicts 111066 Nature damage to players that enter a Primed Earth patch.
    • Detonating Smash: Terros sends out a line of tectonic energy towards his current player target that inflicts 30 Physical damage, applies Concussive Force, and destroys Primed Earth.
      • Concussive Force: The brutal kinetic force of Terros’s Detonating Smash compromises the targeted player’s defenses, increasing all damage taken by 50% per application.
        Lasts for 1 min.
    • Obliterating Slam: When Terros reaches maximum energy, he does a massive slam on the ground in front of him.
      This violent slam sends his energy into the earth, causing a large patch of Shattered Earth to form.
      Inflicts 100 Nature damage to any players standing on the patch when it forms.
      Causes many Pulverizing Stones to fall from the ceiling.
      • Pulverizing Stones: Stones rain from the ceiling, inflicting 88853 Nature damage to players in the impact zone.
        Creates a patch of Shattered Earth at the location of the impact.
        • Shattered Earth: The jagged aftermath of Terros’s assault rends the flesh of players.
          Any player that touches a patch of this Shattered Earth bleeds for 11107 Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
    • Cataclysmic Obliteration: Terros resonates his energy throughout the shattered ground around him, unleashing a devastating wave of power.
      This wave inflicts 2221327 Nature damage to all players and cannot be mitigated or avoided.
    • Resonance Barrage: If Terros is not engaged in melee combat, he channels waves of resonating energy into the ground.
      While channeling, these waves inflict 11 Nature damage every 1 sec.
      Terros stops channeling if he is attacked via melee combat.

The Primalist Council

  • Overview: [PH] The Primalist council builds their power and executes massive attacks such as Primal Blizzard, Ball Lightning, Shattering Armor, and Volcano.
    • Tanks:
      sheds applications by spreading to nearby players.
    • Damage Dealers:
      explodes for more damage the more stacks remaining when the shield expires.
    • Healers:
      Players afflicted with will be taking increased Nature damage from all sources.


  • Kadros Frostgrip
    • Primal Blizzard: At 100 energy, Kadros summons a freezing storm, inflicting 17771 Frost damage every 1.3 sec., and increasing Frost damage and reducing Fire damage taken by 10% for 15 sec. At 10 stacks, players are trapped in a Frost Tomb.
      Players standing in a Lava Pool are unaffected.
      • Frost Tomb: The player is overcome by their , which inflict 22213 Frost damage as the player is trapped in a tomb of ice. 14439 Frost damage is inflicted every 1 sec. until freed.
    • Shivering Lance: Kadros summons frozen lances and launches them towards random players. Inflicts 88853 Frost damage to all players hit in the path of the lances and slows their movement speed by 35% for 15 sec.
    • Frost Spike: Inflicts 44427 Frost damage.
  • Dathea Shockgrip
    • Ball Lightning: Dathea summons down balls of lightning at several locations, inflicting 155493 Nature damage to all players in light of sight of them when they crash to the ground.
    • Conductive Mark: Dathea marks the player with lightning, inflicting 44427 Nature damage on impact, and increasing Nature damage taken by 10% for 5 sec.
      Moving within 5 yards of other players will duplicate and refresh Conductive Mark.
    • Path of Lightning: Dathea transforms into lightning and moves to a new location, inflicting 44427 Nature damage to any players in her path.
    • Lightning Bolt: Dathea hurls lightning at a player, inflicting 44427 Nature damage.
  • Opalfang
    • Faultline: At 100 energy, Opalfang slams her fists into the ground several times, cracking faultlines in the ground that inflict 199919 Nature damage, knock back, and stun all players who stand in them for 2 sec.
      Additionally, players within 5 yards of Opalfang will be afflicted by Epicenter.
      • Epicenter: Opalfang inflicts 177706 Nature damage and knocks back all players within 5 yards whlie casting Faultline.
    • Earthen Pillar: Opalfang erupts the earth beneath players, inflicting 0 Nature damage and knocking them back, leaving behind pillars that block line of sight with other effects.
    • Crush: Opalfang crushes her primary target with her mace, inflicting 222133 Physical damage and increasing all Physical damage taken by 100%.
  • Embar Firepath
    • Meteor Axe: Embar targets two players and hurls hammers made of magma at them, inflicting 333199 Fire damage split between all targets within 7 yards, and increasing damage taken from Meteor Axe by 300% for 15 sec.
      Any Earthen Pillars hit will be destroyed.
    • Living Bomb: Inflicts 222133 Fire damage to all players within 10 yards of the Living Bomb.
      Any Earthen Pillars hit will be destroyed.
    • Lava Slash: At 100 energy, Embar infuses her axe with lava and cleaves the player, inflicting 333199 Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken by 44427% to all targets in a 10 frontal cone for 15 sec . This effect stacks.

Sennarth, The Cold Breath

  • Overview: PH Text:
    Boss begins the fight by attacking with frost and web as spiderlings stream in. After a brief delay, she rappels up her spider web slowly as players attempt to keep up.
    At each of the platforms, a Frostbreath Arachnid joins the fight to stall attackers.
    At the top of her lair, Shirenk freezes the ground and attacks on foot one last time.


  • Stage One: Ice Climbers
    • Breath of Ice: Sennarth breathes out incredible cold, creating patches of Icy Ground that expand over time.
      • Icy Ground: Standing atop Icy Ground inflicts 4443 Frost damage every 1 sec and is very slippery.
    • Chilling Blast: Sennarth chills players with rime, inflicting 11107 Frost damage every 1 sec for 4 sec. This effect triggers a Frost Expulsion upon expiration or removal. (Mythic, Heroic, Normal)
      • Frost Expulsion: An explosion of ice inflicts 99960 Frost damage to all other players within 4 yards.
    • Enveloping Webs: Sennarth causes spider webs to envelop players for 6 sec. Every 1 sec, 17771 Physical damage is inflicted to the targets and they release Sticky Webbing at their locations.
      • Sticky Webbing: Standing within sticky webs provides resistance to displacement. In addition, the webs also reduce the player’s movement speed by 25%. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
        Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Wrapped in Webs: Webbing enwraps the target completely, stunning them for 30 sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption. (Mythic, Heroic)
      • Wrapped in Webs: Webbing enwraps the target, reducing their movement speed by 75% for 30 sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption. (Raid Finder, Normal)
    • Gossamer Burst: Sennarth attaches gossamer webs to all players, inflicting 66640 Physical damage and drawing them inwards.
    • Swarming Spiderlings
      • Caustic Eruption: Erupts upon death, inflicting 33320 Nature damage to players within 5 yards. This effect destroys and removes webbing from the ground as well as players struck.
    • Web Blast: Sennarth blasts her target with a ball of webs, inflicting 100% of normal attack damage. This effect weakens her target, making them take 25% increased damage from subsequent Web Blasts for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Intermission: Guardians of Frost
    • Frostbreath Arachnid
      • Freezing Breath: The caster emits a freezing breath, inflicting 88853 Frost damage in a frontal cone. This creates patches of Icy Ground.
      • Chilling Aura: A frozen aura enwreathes the caster, inflicting 22213 Frost damage to all players. This increases the caster’s Frost damage done by 10% and stacks.
  • Stage Two: Cold Peak
    • Apex of Ice: Sennarth wreathes herself in a chilling storm, creating Icy Ground in a large area. The storm causes players to suffer 1111 Frost damage every 1 sec for 4 sec and grows in intensity every 3 sec. While the storm persists, Shirenk takes 99% less damage.
      • Icy Ground: Standing atop Icy Ground inflicts 4443 Frost damage every 1 sec and is very slippery.
    • Chilling Blast: Sennarth chills players with rime, inflicting 11107 Frost damage every 1 sec for 4 sec. This effect triggers a Frost Expulsion upon expiration or removal. (Mythic, Heroic, Normal)
      • Frost Expulsion: An explosion of ice inflicts 99960 Frost damage to all other players within 4 yards.
      • Glacial Plume: Random players’ Frost Expulsion leaves behind a Glacial Plume. These plumes inflict 55533 Frost damage and knock back players who come into contact with it.
    • Suffocating Webs: Sennarth targets several players with spider webs, inflicting 8 Physical damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. At the end of the duration, she knocks them back while instantly causing Wrapped in Webs and releasing Sticky Webbing at their locations.
      • Sticky Webbing: Standing within sticky webs provides resistance to displacement. In addition, the webs also reduce the player’s movement speed by 25%. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
        Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Wrapped in Webs: Webbing enwraps the target, reducing their movement speed by 75% for 30 sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption. (Raid Finder, Normal)
      • Wrapped in Webs: Webbing enwraps the target completely, stunning them for 30 sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption. (Mythic, Heroic)
    • Repelling Burst: Sennarth releases a burst of webs, inflicting 66640 Physical damage to all players and pushing them away.
    • Pervasive Cold: Sennarth chills the very air around herself, causing players to suffer 10% increased Frost damage until she dies. This effect stacks.
    • Swarming Spiderlings
      • Caustic Eruption: Erupts upon death, inflicting 33320 Nature damage to players within 5 yards. This effect destroys and removes webbing from the ground as well as players struck.
    • Permafrost: Players who are not on the upper platform are afflicted with Permafrost, suffering 4443 Frost damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.

Dathea, Ascended

Dathea is empowered by Raszageth after her defeat among The Primal Council and now commands the power of the wind. Defeat is not an option.


Kurog Grimtotem

Kurog Grimmtotem

Kurog Grimtotem, master of the Primal Elements, prepares to unleash his most devastating creations. Unless stopped these creatures of storm, fire, ice, and earth will wreak havoc across the whole of Azeroth.

  • Overview: Kurog Grimtotem gains stacks of power with each successful cast of a primal element’s ultimate ability. At 66% and 33% health, Kurog summons two elemental incarnations. The longer these incarncations exist, the more dangerous they become, and when defeated Kurog absorbs their power for himself.
    • Damage Dealers:
      Seismic Pillars continually cast [Seismic Rupture] inflicting damage to the raid.
      The longer Kurog’s incarnates remain alive, the more stacks of elemental power he receives.
    • Healers:
      While not next to an active Primal Altar, Kurog Grimtotem casts [Elemental Surge].
      When Kurog Grimtotem moves between active altars, he casts [Elemental Shift].
    • Tanks:
      [Splintered Bones] increases Physical damage taken per stack.
      Elemental Incarnates that are close together gain [Elemental Bond].
      While not next to an active Primal Altar, Kurog Grimtotem casts [Elemental Surge].


  • Stage One: Elemental Mastery:
    Kurog Grimtotem, master of the Primal Elements, gains stacks of power while next to elemental altars.
    • Elemental Surge: While not next to a primal altar Kurog surges with elemental power, inflicting 3 Elemental damage every 0.5 sec.
      This damage increases by 10% every 0.5 sec.
    • Elemental Shift: Bonding with a primal altar inflicts 66640 Elemental damage to all enemies.
      Additionally, enemies suffer Primal Break, increasing all damage taken from Elemental Shift by 80% for 40 sec.
      • Primal Break: Increases damage taken from Elemental Shift by 80% for 40 sec.
        This effect stacks.
    • Sunder Earth: Inflicts 177706 Physical damage and knocks back all players in a cone in front of the caster. Also, applies a stack of Splintered Bones.
    • Molten Burst: Kurog unleashes a wave of lava in a pattern towards random players, inflicting 75 Fire damage to all players caught in the effect.
    • Lightning Crash: Calls forth lightning, applying auras to random targets. Upon expiration, increases Nature damage taken by 70% and inflicts 3 Nature damage every 1 sec to the closest player for 10 sec.
    • Fire Altar: An altar of primal fire.
    • Frost Altar: An altar of primal frost.
      • Chilling: Each successful cast of Below Zero empowers the caster, increasing their Frost damage by 3%.
        This effect stacks.
      • Below Zero: Kurog throws chunks of ice at random enemies, inflicting 300 Frost damage divided evenly among players within 8 yards.
        In addition, this effect applies Frost Bite.
        Each successful cast of Below Zero grants Kurog a stack of Chilling.
        • Frost Bite: Inflicts 17771 Frost damage every 1 sec for 30 sec.
          If multiple applications applied, the player becomes Frozen Solid.
          • Frozen Solid: Gaining 2 or more applications of Frost Bite freezes the victim solid. This effect bypasses all immunities.
    • Earth Altar: An altar of primal earth.
      • Shattering: Each successful cast of Seismic Rupture empowers the caster, increasing their Physical damage by 3%.
        This effect stacks.
      • Seismic Rupture: Pulls Seismic Pillars from the ground, inflicting 199919 Physical damage to enemies with 10 yards and knocks them back.
        Additionally, the pillars cause tremors that inflict 8 Physical damage every 5 sec and applies a stack of Skeletal Fractures to all enemies.
        Each successful cast of Seismic Rupture grants Kurog a stack of Shattering.
        • Skeletal Fractures: Increases all Physical damage taken by 12%.
        • Seismic Pillar: Created during Seismic Rupture.
    • Storm Altar: An altar of primal storm.
      • Thundering: Each successful cast of Thunder Strike empowers the caster, increasing their Nature damage by 3%.
        This effect stacks.
      • Thunder Strike: Kurog calls down thunder, inflicting 133280 Nature damage split between players within 8 yards.
        Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 91 Nature damage to everyone.
        Each successful cast of Thunder Strike grants Kurog a stack of Thundering.
  • Stage Two: Summoning Incarnates:
    Kurog Grimtotem shields himself in elemental power and summons forth primal incarnations.
    • Primal Gains: Absorbs all stacks from an incarnate’s elemental buff when it dies.
    • Elemental Bond: While the elementals are within 7 yards of each other, their damage done increases by 75% and their damage received is reduced by 90%.
    • Tectonic Crusher: An icarnation of earth.
      • Ground Shatter: Breaks the earth, applying an aura to random targets.
        Upon expiration, inflicts 70 Nature damage to enemies within 10 yards.
      • Violent Upheaval: Slams the earth, causing rocks to erupt from all areas where the ground has shattered, inflicting 90 Nature damage to all enemies with 10 yards and knocking them back.
    • Frozen Destroyer: An incarnation of frost.
      • Frost Binds: Unleashes a frozen blast that inflicts 66640 Frost damage on impact and an additional 15549 Frost damage every 2 sec and reduces movement speed by 15549%.
        This effect stacks.
      • Freezing Tempest: The elemental conjures violent winds, inflicting 88853 Frost damage to all enemies farther than 10 yards from the boss and 22441 Frost damage to enemies within 10 yards every 1 sec for 8 sec.
    • Blazing Fiend: An incarnation of fire.
      • Magma Flow: Magma seeps from the elemental as it is struck, creating lava pools at random locations that inflict 133280 Fire damage every 1 sec.
        Additionally, Smouldering Hellions emerge from the lava pools.
        • Lava Pool: Lava pools form, inflicting 133280 Fire damage every 1 sec to enemies standing within it.
          • Smouldering Hellion: Emerge from laval pools.
            • Flame Bolt: Inflicts 71082 Fire damage to random players.
      • Reignite: With its heat expelled, the elemental becomes stunned while it reabsorbs lava pools, returning it to full energy over 20 sec.
    • Thundering Destroyer: an incarnation of storm.
      • Storm Front: Vanishes and appears behind a random enemy to unleash Lightning Strike.
        • Lightning Strike: Inflicts 134287 Nature damage on impact and 9442 Nature damage every 1 sec to all enemies within 10 yards.
          This effect stacks.

Broodkeeper Diurna


  • Stage One: The Primalist Clutch
    • Broodkeeper Diurna
      • Broodkeeper’s Bond: The Broodkeeper’s diligent care links her life essence to the unhatched eggs, preventing all damage below 1% remaining health. This effect stacks for each intact egg in the room.
      • Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper: The Broodkeeper embeds her greatstaff, inflicting 44427 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec.
        Players may interact with the embedded weapon, incurring its wrath. The greatstaff sends a focused beam of storm energy into the ground which pursues the player, inflicting 20 Nature damage to players within 3 yards every half-second during pursuit.
        Upon the focused beam striking a clutchwarren egg, the egg shatters revealing a whelp inside, ending the beam. This sends the Broodkeeper into a frenzy, incurring Clutchwatcher’s Rage.
        • Clutchwatcher’s Rage: The Broodkeeper enters a raging frenzy, inflicting 22213 Arcane damage to all players, additionally increases Diurna’s damage done from Clutchwatcher’s Rage by 250% for 10 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Rapid Incubation: The Broodkeeper infuses magic into the nearest 2 eggs. After 15 sec, these eggs hatch exposing the enemy within.
        Additionally, this increases the damage done of nearby allies by 100% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Living Flamebolt: Diurna conjures orbs of sentient flame, striking all players within 50 yards, inflicting 10 Fire damage and an additional 3 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 6 sec to players within 4 yards of the point of impact. This effect stacks.
        Moments later the flames return to life, applying Living Flamebolt to players who remain in the impact location.
        Players struck by Living Flamebolt splash additional flames to nearby locations, triggering Living Flamebolt on players within 2 yards of the point of impact.
      • Icy Shards: Diurna manifests frozen missiles which slam down, inflicting 40 Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 30% for 8 sec to players within 8 yards of targeted locations.
      • Mortal Dragonclaws: Diurna grievously wounds her target, inflicting 333199 Physical damage and 50 Fire damage, applying Searing Dragonclaws and Mortal Wounds.
        • Mortal Wounds: Reduces the effectiveness of any healing and absorb effects received by 50% for 9 sec. This effect stacks, and cannot be mitigated or avoided.
        • Searing Dragonclaws: Inflicts 11107 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 4 sec. This effect stacks.
    • The Clutchwarren: The Primalist hatchery lies at the heart of the Vault. Filled to the brim with eggs representing the various Primalist flights, Broodkeeper Diurna will stop at nothing to defend her naiscent kin from invading heretics.
      • Primal Proto-Whelp
        • Disoriented: This whelp is disoriented from hatching prematurely and is unable to focus, fixating upon random nearby players.
    • Primalist Reinforcements
      • Tarasek Legionnaire
        • Sever Tendon: The legionnaire slices at foes, inflicting 33320 Physical damage and decreases afflicted player’s movement speed by 40% for 5 sec.
      • Primalist Mage
        • Ice Barrage: The mage hurls frozen ice at a target, inflicting 88853 Frost damage and up to an additional 66640 Frost damage every 0.5 sec. for 4 sec.
      • Tarasek Earthreaver
        • Tremors: The Earthreaver slashes with elemental-infused blades, sending earthen debris in a frontal direction. Upon contact these explode, inflicting 20 Nature damage and an additional 2 Nature damage every half-second for 6 sec to all players within 20 yards. This effect stacks.
        • Burrowing Strike: The Earthreaver charges their current player target, inflicting 177706 Physical damage and additionally sunders them, reducing their armor by 10% for 10 sec. This effect stacks.
      • Dragonspawn Flamebender
        • Cauterizing Flashflames: The Flamebender erupts, striking all allies and players within 50 yards, inflicting 20% of the target’s health as Fire damage, then heals the target for 200% of the damage done over 9 sec.
        • Flame Sentry: The Flamebender conjures Flame Sentries nearby which rotate for 20 sec. Players struck suffer 35 Fire damage every half-second while inside the sentry’s effect.
      • Juvenile Frost Proto-Dragon
        • Rending Bite: The Juvenile fiercely bites at their target, inflicting 133280 Physical damage and bleeds their target for 22213 Physical damage every half-second for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
        • Chilling Tantrum: The Proto-Dragon thrashes about for 6 sec, inflicting 22213 Frost damage every 1 sec. to all players within 50 yards, reducing their movement speed by 20% for 5 sec.
      • Drakonid Stormbringer
        • Static Jolt: The Stormbringer zaps a targeted player, inflicting 111066 Nature damage, stunning them for 2 sec.
          This additionally empowers the drakonid, increasing movement speed by 30% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
        • Ionizing Charge: The Stormbringer energizes afflicted targets with lightning energy, jolting all players within 5 yards for 2 Nature damage every 0.5 sec. for 8 sec.
  • Stage Two: A Broodkeeper Scorned
    • Broodkeeper Diurna
      • Broodkeeper’s Fury: Diurna’s Fury knows no bounds, increasing damage done by 15%, decreasing spell cooldowns, and empowering abilities with additional power.
      • Empowered Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper: The Broodkeeper embeds her greatstaff, inflicting 44427 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec.
        Diurna empowers the embedded weapon, invoking its wrath. The empowered greatstaff sends focused beams of storm energy into the ground which pursues targeted players, inflicting 30 Nature damage to players within 3 yards every half-second during pursuit.
      • Living Flamebolt: Diurna conjures orbs of sentient flame, striking all players within 50 yards, inflicting 10 Fire damage and an additional 3 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 6 sec to players within 4 yards of the point of impact. This effect stacks.
        Moments later the flames return to life, applying Living Flamebolt to players who remain in the impact location.
        Players struck by Living Flamebolt splash additional flames to nearby locations, triggering Living Flamebolt on players within 2 yards of the point of impact.
      • Icy Shards: Diurna manifests frozen missiles which slam down, inflicting 40 Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 30% for 8 sec to players within 8 yards of targeted locations.
      • Mortal Dragonclaws: Diurna grievously wounds her target, inflicting 333199 Physical damage and 50 Fire damage, applying Searing Dragonclaws and Mortal Wounds.
        • Mortal Wounds: Reduces the effectiveness of any healing and absorb effects received by 50% for 9 sec. This effect stacks, and cannot be mitigated or avoided.
        • Searing Dragonclaws: Inflicts 11107 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 4 sec. This effect stacks.

Raszageth the Storm-Eater



  • Stage One: PH Text
    • Hurricane Wing: Raszageth summons a massive gust of wind, inflicting 55533 Nature damage to all players. Additionally, players are pushed away and suffer 11107 Nature damage every 0.5 sec for 1.5 sec.
      Each time Raszageth uses Hurricane Wing the magnitude of the push is increased by 25%.
    • Electrified Jaws: Raszageth snaps at her target with electrified jaws, inflicting 222133 Physical damage to the target and afflicts them with Static Charge.
      • Static Charge: When Static Charge expires it inflicts up to 133280 Nature damage to all players and creates a Static Field at the victim’s location, inflicting 3 Nature damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area and reduces their movement speed and forced movement effects by 30%.
        This damage is reduced the further away players are from the blast.
    • Fulminating Charge: Raszageth charges a target with electricity, after 1.5 sec the charge fulminates inflicting 18 Nature damage to all players within range of the target and jumps to the nearest victim. If Fulminating Charge fails to strike another target it fizzles.
      Each time Fulminating Charge jumps to a new target, its jump range is reduced.
    • Lightning Strike: Raszageth calls down lightning strikes, inflicting 35 Nature damage to players standing in the impact area and summons Lightning Elementals at several impact locations.
      • PH Lightning Elemental
        • Overcharge: Upon reaching 100 energy the Lightning Elemental overchages, increasing its health by 1000% and Nature damage by 200%.
        • Chain Lightning: The Elemental blasts a target with lightning, inflicting 2221 Nature damage to the target and jumping to additional nearby players within 10 yards.
    • Lightning Breath: Raszageth exhales a beam of lightning in front of her, inflicting 25 Nature damage every 0.5 sec to players standing in the area.
    • Spiteful Radiation: Raszageth continually emits crackling lightning, inflicting 13328 Nature damage to all players every 6 sec. The electricity clings to several players, inflicting an additional 13328 Nature damage every 1 sec for 3 sec.

Mehr Infos zur ersten Alpha-Phase gibt es hier:

Kevin Hildebrand

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