
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight kommt mit Timeskip

Timeskip von mehreren Jahren in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight erscheint angeblich Ende diesen Jahres. Wenn wir uns dann ins neue Abenteuer auf den Dracheninseln stürzen – inklusive neuem Raid, dem Vault of the Incarnates – wird in Azeroth einige Zeit vergangen sein.

Denn: Wie Blizzard jetzt verkündet hat, wird es einen massiven Timeskip zwischen dem Ende von Shadowlands und dem Beginn von Dragonflight geben. Das ist aber nichts ungewöhnlich, da in der Regel immer “Ingame-Zeit” zwischen zwei Addons vergeht. Mehr zu den Plänen von Blizzard lest ihr auf dieser Seite.

Statement von Blizzard zum Timeskip in Dragonflight

In einem Bluepost hat sich Blizzard in Form von Steve Danuser, dem Narrative Lead für World of Warcraft, in einem Bluepost geäußert:

Hello friends,

I wanted to take a moment to address the topic of time passage between Shadowlands and Dragonflight.

There has always been some amount of time passing between expansions, though rarely has it been called out in game. We maintain an internal timeline of what year each expansion begins, and the gap between them has either been one year (as with earlier expansions) or two years (as with most of the later ones). But NPCs in the world don’t talk about how the Burning Crusade took place in the year 26 after the Dark Portal opened, or how we rediscovered Pandaria in the year 30.

When you look back at the Warcraft timeline, one of the things you’ll notice is that a lot of massive, world-changing events were tightly clustered together. This is especially true for WoW, which since launch has seen a multitude of invasions and catastrophes back-to-back in the chronology.

With Shadowlands representing the closing of one book in the Warcraft saga (as we mentioned in interviews around the release of our Eternity’s End update), it felt like an opportunity to give Azeroth and its inhabitants a bit of breathing room before Dragonflight ushers in the start of our next major storyline.

Shadowlands began in the year 35 after the opening of the Dark Portal, and Dragonflight will begin in the year 40.

Given that the events of Shadowlands took place over the course of two years, that leaves a few additional years that we are fast-forwarding through. Our purpose here is not to have a litany of events take place outside the game that you need to read about in a novel or other media to understand the state of the world. The goal of the fast-forward is to provide the people of Azeroth with a slice of “normal” life without a major threat looming over their heads.

When our heroes return from the Realms of Death, you can imagine them easing back into their lives and duties without an immediate crisis to address or enemy to fight. With the Alliance and Horde honoring the truce signed after the Fourth War, the average Azerothian citizen will be able to enjoy a time of stability and reflection.

That said, we plan to offer a digital short story on our website that details one particularly joyous occasion which has been referenced in the alpha build. It’s going to be a fun and charming read, but it won’t be necessary in order to understand the events of Dragonflight.

Besides stretching out the WoW timeline a bit, another benefit of this fast-forward is that it will let our younger characters get a little older, allowing some of them to take a larger role in future storylines. Yet not so much time will be passing that you’d expect characters who are already adults to look significantly different.

As for changes to the world that have been discussed or foreshadowed, such as the resettlement of Gilneas, those will not be happening during the fast-forward. As cool as it is to show locations and populations evolving because of story progression, we want events of this importance to be in-game questing that our players experience for themselves (as with the reclaiming of the Ruins of Lordaeron in the 9.2.5 update) rather than having it happen off-camera.

For your player characters, it has always been left to your own interpretation how much time had passed when they log in after the arrival of a major update or new expansion. Dragonflight is no exception. You are free to imagine what your characters have been doing in that time of respite as you look forward to the arrival of the Dragonflight pre-patch.

Hopefully this post helps clear up confusion about the timeline and explains our goals for having a few more years pass than we normally would.

–Steve Danuser, Narrative Lead

Die wichtigsten Punkte in Kürze zusammengefasst:

  • Shadowlands startete im Jahr 35 nach Öffnung des Dunklen Portals, Dragonflight startet im Jahr 40. Dabei gilt zu beachten, dass die Ereignisse in Shadowlands rund zwei Jahre angedauert haben.
  • Der Grund für den Timeskip: Azeroth sei in der Vergangenheit ständig von neuen Katastrophen und Bedrohungen heimgesucht worden. Man wollte der Welt etwas “Normalität” gönnen.
  • Charaktere, die jetzt noch zu jung sind, um eine Rolle zu spielen, können etwas älter werden und reifen.
  • Bereits bekannte Charaktere werden sich optisch aber wohl kaum verändern.
  • Die Welt selbst wird sich nicht verändern, da Blizzard möchte, dass wir solche Ereignisse selbst im Spiel erleben können.
  • Für unsere Charaktere ändert sich nichts beziehungsweise obliegt es der Fantasie des Spielers, was seine Charaktere in den drei Jahren getrieben haben.

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Mehr Infos zu Dragonflight gibt es in folgendem Video:


Kevin Hildebrand

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