Blizzard antwortet auf Spielerfragen zu Dragonflight-Berufen.
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In der Addon-Präsentation von Dragonflight hatte Blizzard bereits angekündigt, einiges am Berufssystem umwerfen zu wollen. Details dazu könnt ihr hier nachlesen. Jetzt ist Blizzard erstmalig auf Community-Feedback eingegangen und hat in einem Bluepost Fragen zum neuen, überarbeiteten Berufssystem in Dragonflight beantwortet.
Was wir bisher zum Thema Berufe in Dragonflight wissen, erfahrt ihr hier.
Bevor wir zu den Spielerfragen kommen, ein kleiner Nachtrag: Blizzard betont in dem Bluepost (unten auf der Seite vollständig zu lesen), dass aktiv an dem Berufssystem gearbeitet wird. Feedback der Community ist zu jedem Zeitpunkt erwünscht.
Also, schauen wir uns Fragen, Wünsche und Anregungen aus der Community an – und Blizzards Antworten dazu.
I just hope some of the profession items can compete with raid gear too, or be able to highly level it to the point to at least enhance a “Best in Slot” item.
Kurz gesagt: Ausrüstung der Berufe in Dragonflight soll mit “High End Gear”, also aus Raids, M+ und PvP, mithalten können. Das Crafting-System soll in allen Inhalten relevanter vertreten sein. Und die Erinnerung: Um die mächtigsten Gegenstände zu erschaffen, müssen wir mächtige Ressourcen finden.
Nächste Frage:
Is it possible to speak a little about the anticipated “grindiness” of this?
Also: Wie grindlastig werden die neuen Berufe in Dragonflight sein? Hier gibt Blizzard Entwarnung. Als Beispiel: Seid ihr Raider auf normal, bekommt ihr darüber genug Materialien, um euch Gear auf diesem Niveau herzustellen. Für besseres Gear und Mats könnt ihr aber auch auf M+ oder PvP zurückgreifen.
Man soll in einem “annehmbaren” Zeitrahmen Zugriff auf Gear durch Berufe haben. Für manche Items wird es aber auch nötig sein, einen spezifischen Raremob, Dungeons etc. zu bezwingen.
The big question I have is in relation to small servers. To your point, some of this gear may be Best in Slot. Is there any consideration being given to these items being legitimately harder to obtain on small servers because not everything gets created by a character? I think the work order system sounds great but given what I’ve experienced with Legendaries in Shadowlands, this is a major concern for myself and many others.
Gute Frage für Spieler auf kleinen Servern. Frei übersetzt: Wenn manches Gear über Berufe Best in Slot wird – wie sieht es da auf kleineren Servern aus? Müssen Spieler dann wieder, wie bei den Shadowlands-Legys, Unmengen an Gold ausgeben? Blizzards Antwort: Eine valide Befürchtung, die intern diskutiert wird. Scheinbar gibt es dafür aber noch keine Lösungen. Ebenfalls interessant: Bereits erstellte Items sollen “recraftet” werden können.
Hey Everyone,Sorry for taking so long to start responding to this thread. We’ve been super busy building out the professions system and content we have been discussing. I’m going to try to slowly work through this and address some of the bigger points and questions here as I have time.Professions is actively being worked, on so your responses and feedback are super helpful, so please keep them coming!For my first response, I want to address some of the confusion around how you improve at your profession, and thus craft/gather things at higher quality. You do not directly get better at a recipe via crafting it multiple times, as you do with legendary recipes in Shadowlands. That is an interesting system, but ultimately requires a huge amount of gold investment and can get repetitive. This means only players with lots of gold can easily engage with it, and has also resulted in the cost of legendaries being extremely high in many cases.For the profession revamp, there are many different ways to improve at your profession (I’ll talk more about those soon), and thus craft/gather items at higher quality. The goal is that the pursuit of profession progression is through compelling and fun activities over spending lots of gold though. Gold will of course still have its place. You may still want to buy reagents or make orders for high end crafting gear for instance, but it should not be a gate to your ability to dive into and have lots of success with your chosen professions.
I just hope some of the profession items can compete with raid gear too, or be able to highly level it to the point to at least enhance a “Best in Slot” item.It is absolutely the case that we plan on having crafted gear be able to compete with top end gear from other sources, and in some cases even be best in slot. One of the most important goals to the work order system is enabling crafted gear to be much more relevant to the game – across all activities. Just remember, in order to have that powerful gear crafted for yourself, you’ll need to go out and earn special (soulbound) reagents to provide to the crafter in order to have that item you’ve had your eye on crafted!
Is it possible to speak a little about the anticipated “grindiness” of this?Gladly.
I don’t want to go into a lot of detail on the planned system for Dragonflight yet, but the intent is that this is not generally grindy when aiming to earn gear appropriate to your activity.
That is, if you are a normal raider for instance, your normal raid provides enough reagents to allow you to to craft a limited amount of ~normal raid item level gear without needing to go do a bunch of other stuff. But if say, you wanted to craft heroic raid tier gear as a normal raider, you could choose to go do other activities such as m+, pvp, or challenging outdoor activities to supplement the reagents required and get better gear sooner.
In general we’d like crafted gear to feel like something you are earning at a satisfying rate along side your other gear sources. Say you had bad luck and got no drops while raiding, you’ll still be making progress towards some high end crafted gear…and say you just can’t get legs to drop for you, you may choose to have legs crafted to fill in that particular slot with a larger upgrade.
For some crafted gear, you might also need to seek out a special rare drop off a certain mob in the world, a dungeon, or a raid as well. Earning crafted gear should feel like a bonus, an adventure, and a social experience.
The big question I have is in relation to small servers. To your point, some of this gear may be Best in Slot. Is there any consideration being given to these items being legitimately harder to obtain on small servers because not everything gets created by a character? I think the work order system sounds great but given what I’ve experienced with Legendaries in Shadowlands, this is a major concern for myself and many others.Hi Letholas,
Yes, this is definitely a valid concern and one we are discussing how to address!
We definitely have world PvP in mind with our crafting plans, both with interesting recipes, and with regards to gathering reagents, but nothing we are ready to talk about in detail yet!
One thing I want to talk about that we haven’t mentioned yet is the concept of recrafting. It’s still in the works so is likely to change some, but the basic idea is as follows:
Recrafting will allow you to take any piece of Dragonflight crafted gear and bring it back into the crafting screen as a crafter. You can then spend a special reagent, plus a small subset of the original reagents from the recipe to “recraft the item”.
During this process, you can completely change out optional reagents if you want. The new quality of the item will be determined based on the new setup of reagents, plus your current skill. This means you can have an item crafted at a low quality, then later recraft it when you are higher skill to a higher quality.
For non-crafters, we are planning to support recrafting orders as well. In this case, you can send you item to get recrafted to have its optional reagents changed out, or to potentially have its quality increased.
All of this should help players feel comfortable having a high end item crafted early, when it might not be at max quality, secure in the knowledge that they can always have it recrafted to be better later.
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