
Buffs und Nerfs: Klassenanpassungen zur 4. Saison von Shadowlands

Klassenanpassungen zur 4. Saison von Shadowlands: Buffs für Eulen, Nerfs für Jäger und Hexer

Nächste Woche ist es soweit: Am 3. August starten wir in die vierte Saison von World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Dank dem neuen FAQ wissen wir, was in Sachen Ressourcen, Währungen etc. auf uns zukommt. Außerdem wird es jede Menge neue Belohnungen zu ergattern geben.

Weiterhin werden einige Klassen gebufft, andere wiederum generft. Bereits im April nerfte Blizzard die dominanten Mythisch+ Klassen, Hexenmeister und Jäger, weitere Nerfs zum Start von Saison 4 wurden angekündigt. Schauen wir uns diese an!

Klassentuning am 3. August: Blizzards Bluepost zu Season 4

In einem Bluepost verkündete Blizzard eine Reihe von Buffs und Nerfs, hier findet ihr den Originalbeitrag:



      •  Starfall damage increased by 15%.

        • Developer’s note: Balance AoE has gradually fallen off in recent months, we believe due to Starfall not benefitting as as much as other comparable spells from increased Astral Power generation and Haste, as gear levels increase. We are looking into different solves for the future, but for now are giving it a boost to better compete in the current content.


      • Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, and Kill Command damage increased by 15%.
      • (4) Set Bonus: Wildfire Bomb bonus damage lowered to 20% (was 30%).
      •  Wildfire Bomb, and any  Wildfire Infusion variants of  Wildfire Bomb now deal reduced damage when hitting more than 8 targets. The tooltips will be updated to reflect this in a future patch.

        • Developer Note: The Mad Bombardier set bonus boosts Wildfire Bombs in fun and powerful ways, but with the potentially frequent set bonus activation, and Wildfire Bombs not having any target cap where their damage is lowered, Survival Hunters have exceeded expectations in content where there are many targets to hit. The set bonus interactions are fun to play with, so rather than adjusting frequency or power level of the buffed Wildfire Bomb, we’re going to lower its effectiveness when pulling very high numbers of enemy targets. We’re increasing the damage of Kill Command, Raptor Strike, and Mongoose Bite to offset the loss of damage in single target scenarios.
  • MAGE

    • ARCANE

      •  Clearcasting duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).

        • Developers’ note: We’re increasing the duration of Clearcasting to minimize scenarios where the buff would fall off without the opportunity for players to gain value. This is primarily a PvP concern, but we did not feel there was a reason to make it PvP exclusive.
  • MONK


      •  Spinning Crane Kick damage reduced by 5%.

        • Developers’ note: We’re happy with prior single target changes that have resulted in making Windwalker a powerful option in a broad spectrum of situations. However as a result, their total contribution ends up being slightly too strong in areas where their AOE strengths can be brought to bear. This change is not intended to remove those strengths, but ensure they’re not too far ahead of the pack.


      • Armor increased by 5%.
      •  Holy Shield (Talent) increase to block chance increased to 20% (was 15%).

        • Developers’ note: We are seeing Protection Paladins dying to melee damage, or mixed melee and spell damage. This change is intended to improve their performance against both those damage types.

    • SHADOW

      • Mind Sear damage increased by 30%.
      • Shadow Crash (Talent) damage increased by 25%.
      •  Searing Nightmare (Talent) damage increased by 15%.

        • Developers’ note: We are looking into Shadow’s AoE toolkit for Dragonflight and want to address the concerns brought up by the community. However, in the meantime, we are implementing these adjustments to help Shadow’s performance in multi-target situations for Season 4. We’ll continue to watch Shadow’s performance as the season unfolds and make further adjustments if needed.


      • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 5% in PvE combat.
      • Incinerate damage increased by 20%.
      • Immolate damage increased by 20%.
      • Conflagrate damage increased by 10% in PvE combat.
      • (4) Set Bonus: Blasphemy no longer grants  Rain of Chaos.

        • Developers’ note: In order to address Destruction’s excess soul shard generation issues, we’re removing the ability for the Blasphemy to grant Rain of Chaos. This will prevent their shard generation from getting out of control and rein in their AOE output. However, this will have some effect on Destruction’s single-target damage and to help counter the impact we’re increasing the damage of several single-target spells in the Destruction toolkit. This is a big shift so we’ll be monitoring feedback closely and will adjust in the future if needed.


      •  Ignore Pain‘s absorption increased by 30%, and the absorption cap is now based on maximum Health (was twice the  Ignore Pain absorb value).

        • Developers’ note: We find that Protection Warriors struggle with magic and unblockable forms of incoming damage. This change is intended to help improve survivability in those situations, while the change to the cap will constrain its strength otherwise.

Klassentuning vom 3. August: Die deutsche Übersetzung






  • Schutz: Rüstung um 5 Prozent erhöht, außerdem wurde die Blockchance von Heiliger Schild auf 20 Prozent erhöht (vorher 15 Prozent).



  • Zerstörung: Chaosblitz macht im PvE 5 Prozent, Verbrennen und Feuerbrand 20 Prozent und Feuersbrunst zehn Prozent mehr Schaden. Dafür wird der 4er-Bonus generft, das Add Blasphemie gewährt kein Chaosregen mehr, wodurch ihr jede Menge Schaden verlieren werdet.


  • Schutz: Zähne zusammenbeißen Absorption um 30 Prozent erhöht, zudem richtet sich das Cap jetzt nach der maximalen Gesundheit. 

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    Den Zeitplan der Fated-Raids, in denen die Änderungen natürlich auch gelten, seht ihr hier:

Kevin Hildebrand

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