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Der Jäger: Blizzard veröffentlicht neue Talentbäume von Dragonflight
Zum neuen World of Warcraft-Addon namens Dragonflight bekommen alle Klassen und Specs neue Talentbäume spendiert, die es uns wieder ermöglichen, zahlreiche Punkte auszugeben. Bisher hat Blizzard die Talentbäume der Todesritter, Druiden und Priester veröffentlicht. Jetzt gibt es Nachschlag.
Am Wochenende hat Blizzard die drei Talentbäume des Jägers veröffentlicht, die ich euch auf dieser Seite präsentieren möchte.
WICHTIG: Bislang wurden die Talentbäume nur auf Englisch veröffentlicht, manche Talente haben noch keine finalen Namen. Ohne deutsche Alpha/Beta beziehungsweise Veröffentlichung Blizzards gebe ich hier erstmal die englischen Namen und Effekte durch, da ich keine falschen Angaben machen möchte.
Allgemeine Jäger-Talente
Die folgenden Talente und Fähigkeiten stehen für alle Jäger zur Verfügung.
Baseline Hunter Abilities
All maximum level Hunters will have access to these abilities. They are earned through leveling and do not require you to spend talent points to have them.
Arcane Shot: A quick shot that causes Arcane damage.
Aspect of the Cheetah: Increases your movement speed by 90% for 5 sec, and then by 30% for another 9 sec.
Aspect of the Turtle: Deflects all attacks and reduces all damage you take by 30% for 8 sec, but you cannot attack.
Call Pet (1-5): Call an active Pet to your side.
Disengage: Leap backwards.
Eagle Eye: Changes your viewpoint to the targeted location for 1 min. Only usable outdoors.
Exhilaration: Heals you for 30% of maximum health.
Eyes of the Beast: Take direct control of your pet and see through its eyes for 1 min.
Feign Death: Feign death, tricking enemies into ignoring you. Lasts up to 6 minutes.
Flare: Exposes all hidden and invisible enemies within the targeted area for 20 sec.
Freezing Trap: Hurls a frost trap to the target location that incapacitates the first enemy that approaches it for 1 min. Damage will break the effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.
Hunter Tracking: Shows the location of nearby creature types on the minimap.
Hunter’s Mark: Apply Hunter’s Mark to the target, causing the target to always be seen and tracked by the Hunter. Only one Hunter’s Mark can be applied at a time.
Pet Utility: A variety of tools to help you manage your pet.
Steady Shot: A steady shot that causes Physical damage. Usable while moving.
Wing Clip: Maims the target, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.
Hunter Class Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.
Row 1
Kill Command: Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal Physical damage to the enemy.
- Given by default when selecting Beast Mastery or Survival Specialization.
Concussive Shot: Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Steady Shot will increase the duration of Concussive Shot on the target by 3.0 sec.
Kill Shot: You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing Physical damage. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health.
- Granted by default when selecting Marksmanship Specialization.
Row 2
Trailblazer: Your movement speed is increased by [15/
Posthaste: Disengage also frees you from all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by [25/
Improved Kill Shot: Kill Shot’s critical damage is increased by 25%.
Row 3
Thick Hides: Increases your pet’s total health by [5/
Counter Shot: Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
- For Survival Specialization, Counter Shot talent is replaced by Muzzle: Interrupts spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec.
Natural Mending: Every [25/
Row 4
Tar Trap: Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 1 min.
Misdirection: Misdirects all threat you cause to the targeted party or raid member, beginning with your next attack within 30 sec and lasting for 8 sec.
Tranquilizing Shot: Removes 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target.
Row 5
Improved Mend Pet [NNF]: Mend Pet heals for an additional [25/
Improved Exhilaration [NNF]: Exhilaration also heals your pet for [50/
Fogged Crystal: Your pet takes [45/
Improved Tranquilizing Shot [NNF]: When Tranquilizing Shot successfully dispels an effect, gain [5/
Choice Node:
- Scatter Shot: A short-range shot that deals 5 damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and incapacitates the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used.
- Binding Shot: Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yards for 10 sec, rooting them in place for 8 sec if they move more than 5 yards from the arrow.
Row 6
Scare Beast: Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be feared at a time.
Choice Node:
- Intimidation: Commands your pet to intimidate the target, stunning it for 5 sec.
- Hi-Explosive Trap: Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 1 min.
Camouflage: You and your pet blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for 1 min. While camouflaged, you will heal for 2% of maximum health every 1 secs.
Born To Be Wild: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, and Aspect of the Turtle by [7/
Row 7
Improved Traps [NNF]: The cooldown of Tar Trap and Freezing Trap is reduced by [2.5/
Binding Shackles: Targets knocked back by Explosive Trap or stunned by Intimidation deal [10/
Agile Movement: Movement speed increased by [2/
Row 8
Beast Master: Pet damage increased by [3/
Keen Eyesight: Critical strike chance increased by [2/
Barrage: Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing Physical damage to all nearby enemies in front of you. Usable while moving. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
Serpent Sting: Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take a small amount of Nature damage instantly and additional Nature damage over 18 sec.
Row 9
Improved Kill Command [NNF]: Kill Command damage increased by [5/
Stampede: Summon a herd of stampeding animals from the wilds around you that deal damage to your enemies for 12 sec.
Nesingwary’s Trapping Apparatus: Whenever you successfully Freezing Trap an enemy, gain [15/
Chimaera Shot: A two-headed shot that hits your primary target for Nature damage and another nearby target for Frost damage.
Master Marksman: Your ranged special attack critical strikes cause the target to bleed for an additional [7/
Choice Node:
- Latent Poison Injectors: Serpent Sting’s damage applies Latent Poison to the target, stacking up to 10 times. Barbed Shot/
Aimed Shot/ Raptor Strike consumes all stacks of Latent Poison, dealing Nature damage to the target per stack consumed. - Viper’s Venom: Barbed Shot/
Aimed Shot/ Raptor Strike has a chance to make your next Serpent Sting cost no Focus and deal an additional 250% initial damage.
Row 10
Choice Node:
- Killer Instinct: Kill Command deals 50% increased damage against enemies below 35% health.
- Alpha Predator: Kill Command now has 2 charges, and deals 30% increased damage.
Steel Trap: Hurls a Steel Trap to the target location that snaps shut on the first enemy that approaches, immobilizing them for 20 sec and causing them to bleed over 20 sec. Damage other than Steel Trap may break the immobilization effect. Trap will exist for 1 min. Limit 1.
Choice Node:
- Chakrams: Throw a pair of chakrams at your target, slicing all enemies in the chakrams’ path for Physical damage. The chakrams will return to you, damaging enemies again. Your primary target takes 100% increased damage.
- Death Chakram: Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby. Enemies struck by Death Chakram take 10% more Physical damage from you and your pet for 10 sec. Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus.
Explosive Shot: Fires an explosive shot at your target. After 3 sec, the shot will explode, dealing Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Der Tierherrschaft-Jäger

Beast Mastery Hunter Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.
Beast Mastery Hunter Baseline Abilities
Exotic Beasts: You master the art of beast training, teaching you the ability to tame Exotic Beasts.
Beast Mastery Row 1
Barbed Shot: Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed over 8 sec. Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Beast Mastery Row 2
Pack Tactics: Passive Focus generation increased by 100%.
Multi-Shot: Fires several missiles, hitting all nearby enemies within 8 yards of your current target for Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Cobra Shot (replaces Steady Shot): A quick shot causing Physical damage. Reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1 sec.
Beast Mastery Row 3
Aspect of the Beast: Increases the damage and healing of your pet’s abilities by [15/
Loaded Quiver: Barbed Shot has 1 additional charge.
Kindred Spirits: Increases your maximum Focus and your pet’s maximum Focus by [10/
Training Expert: All pet damage dealt increased by [5/
Beast Mastery Row 4
Animal Companion: Your Call Pet additionally summons the first pet from your stable. This pet will obey your Kill Command, but cannot use pet family abilities.
Beast Cleave: After you Multi-Shot, your pet’s melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for [25/
Killer Command: Kill Command damage increased by [10/
Flamewaker’s Cobra Sting: Cobra Shot has a [25/
Beast Mastery Row 5
Sharp Barbs: Barbed Shot damage increased by [5/
Thrill of the Hunt: Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to [1/
Kill Cleave: While Beast Cleave is active, Kill Command now also strikes nearby enemies for 50% of damage dealt.
Dire Beast: Summons a powerful wild beast that attacks the target and roars, increasing your Haste by 5% for 8 sec.
Cobra Senses: Cobra Shot reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1.0 sec.
Beast Mastery Row 6
A Murder of Crows: Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing Physical damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while under attack, A Murder of Crows’ cooldown is reset.
Bestial Wrath: Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec. Removes all crowd control effects from your pet.
Wild Call: Your auto shot critical strikes have a [10/
Beast Mastery Row 7
In for the Kill: Kill Command has a [3/
Bloodshed: Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for 18 sec and increase all damage taken from your pet by 15% for 18 sec.
Aspect of the Wild: Grants you and your pet 5 Focus per sec and 10% increased critical strike chance for 20 sec.
One with the Pack: Wild Call has a [5/
Beast Mastery Row 8
Wailing Arrow: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing Shadow damage to your target and additional Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Targets struck by a Wailing Arrow are silenced for 5 sec.
Stomp: When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing Physical damage to all nearby enemies. Two Rank Talent, ranks increase Physical damage dealt.
Scent of Blood: Activating Bestial Wrath grants [1/
Barbed Wrath: Barbed Shot reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by [6/
Qa’pla, Eredun War Order: Barbed Shot deals [5/
Beast Mastery Row 9
Dire Command: Kill Command has a [10/
Call of the Wild: You sound the call of the wild, summoning 2 of your active pets for 20 sec. During this time, a random pet from your stable will appear every 4 sec to assault your target for 6 sec.
Beast Mastery Row 10
Dire Pack: Summoning a Dire Beast increases the damage of your Steady Shot and Multi-shot by 10% for 8 sec.
Choice Node:
- Killer Cobra: While Bestial Wrath is active, Cobra Shot resets the cooldown on Kill Command.
- Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs: While Bestial Wrath is active, your pet’s critical damage dealt is increased by 35%.
Choice Node:
- Wild Instincts: While Call of the Wild is active, Barbed Shot has a 25% chance to gain a charge any time Focus is spent.
- Bloody Frenzy: While Call of the Wild is active, Barbed Shot affects all of your summoned pets.
Der Teffsicherheit-Jäger

Marksmanship Hunter Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.
Marksmanship Row 1
Aimed Shot: A powerful aimed shot that deals Physical damage. Max 2 charges.
Marksmanship Row 2
Improved Arcane Shot [NNF]: Arcane Shot Focus cost reduced by [10/
Improved Steady Shot [NNF]: Steady Shot now generates 10 Focus.
Precise Shots: Aimed Shot causes your next 1/
Marksmanship Row 3
Rapid Fire: Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing Physical damage. Usable while moving.
Killing Blow: Kill Shot critical strike chance increased by [10/
Focused Aim: Aimed Shot damage increased by [5/
Marksmanship Row 4
Careful Aim: Aimed Shot deals [25/
Multi-Shot: Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within 10 yards for Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Hunter’s Knowledge: Aimed Shot critical strike chance increased by [5/
Marksmanship Row 5
Streamline: Rapid Fire’s damage is increased by [7/
Bullseye: When your abilities damage a target below 20% health, you gain 1% increased critical strike chance for 6 sec, stacking up to [15/
True Aim: Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot damage increased by 25%.
Bursting Shot: Fires an explosion of bolts at all enemies in front of you, knocking them back, snaring them by 50% for 6 sec, and dealing Physical damage.
Marksmanship Row 6
Improved Rapid Fire [NNF]: Each shot of Rapid Fire now generates 1 Focus.
Choice Node:
- Lethal Shots: Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot have a 30% chance to reduce the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 5.0 sec.
- Surging Shots: Rapid Fire deals 35% additional damage, and Aimed Shot has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire.
Trick Shots: When Multi-Shot hits 3 or more targets, your next Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire will ricochet and hit up to 5 additional targets for 55% of normal damage.
Deathblow: Aimed Shot has a 10% chance to grant a charge of Kill Shot, and cause your next Kill Shot to be usable on any target regardless of their current health.
Quick Load: When you fall below 40% heath, Bursting Shot’s cooldown is immediately reset. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Marksmanship Row 7
Volley: Rain a volley of arrows down over 6 sec, dealing Physical damage to any enemy in the area, and gain the effects of Trick Shots for as long as Volley is active.
Salvo: When the Trick Shots effect fades or is consumed, your next Multi-Shot will deal [100/
Steady Focus: Using Steady Shot twice in a row increases your Haste by [7/
Lone Wolf: Increases your damage by 10% when you do not have an active pet.
Quick Shot: Kill Shot causes Aimed Shot to recharge [20/
Marksmanship Row 8
Sharpshooter: Critical strike damage increased by [2/
Trueshot: Reduces the cooldown of your Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire by 60%, and causes Aimed Shot to cast 50% faster for 15 sec. While Trueshot is active, you generate 50% additional Focus.
Serpentstalker’s Trickery: Aimed Shot has a [50/
Dead Eye: Kill Shot has two charges.
Marksmanship Row 9
Choice Node:
- Heavy Ammo: Trick Shots now ricochets to 2 fewer targets, but each ricochet deals an additional 25% damage.
- Light Ammo: Trick Shots now causes Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire to ricochet to 2 additional targets.
Calling the Shots: Casting Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by [1.5/
Lock and Load: Your ranged auto attacks have a 8% chance to trigger Lock and Load, causing your next Aimed Shot to cost no Focus and be instant.
Legacy of the Windrunners: Aimed Shot has a chance to coalesce [3/
Double Tap: Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power without consuming Focus, or your next Rapid Fire will shoot 100% additional shots during its channel.
Choice Node:
- Eagletalon’s True Focus: Trueshot lasts an additional 3.0 sec and reduces the Focus cost of all of your abilities by 25%.
- Unerring Vision: While Trueshot is active you gain 13 Critical Strike every sec, stacking up to 10 times.
Wailing Arrow: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing Shadow damage to your target and additional Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Targets struck by a Wailing Arrow are silenced for 5 sec.
Windrunner’s Guidance: Bonus Wind Arrows from Aimed Shot have a [5/
Der Überleben-Jäger

Survival Hunter Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name.
Survival Row 1
Raptor Strike: A vicious slash dealing Physical damage.
Survival Row 2
Ferocity: All damage done by your pet is increased by [5/
Harpoon: Hurls a harpoon at an enemy, rooting them in place for 3 sec and pulling you to them.
Survival Row 3
Wildfire Bomb: Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for additional Fire damage over 6 sec.
Predator: Kill Command has a [8/
Improved Harpoon [NNF]: The cooldown of Harpoon is reduced by [5/
Survival Row 4
Bloodseeker: Kill Command causes the target to bleed over 8 sec. You and your pet gain 10% attack speed for every bleeding enemy within 12 yds.
Tip of the Spear: Kill Command increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by [8/
Terms of Engagement: Harpoon deals Physical damage and generates 20 Focus over 10 sec. Killing an enemy resets the cooldown of Harpoon.
Survival Row 5
Guerrilla Tactics: Wildfire Bomb now has 2 charges, and the initial explosion deals 100% increased damage.
Choice Node:
- Carve: A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Butchery: Attack all nearby enemies in a flurry of strikes, inflicting Physical damage to each. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Max 3 charges.
Mongoose Bite (Replaces Raptor Strike): A brutal attack that deals Physical damage and grants you Mongoose Fury.
- Mongoose Fury increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by 15% for 14 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Successive attacks do not increase duration.
Survival Row 6
Improved Wildfire Bomb: Wildfire Bomb deals [8/
Lunge: Range of your melee attacks and abilities increased by [1/
Frenzy Strikes: Carve reduces the remaining cooldown on Wildfire Bomb by 1 sec for each target hit, up to 5.
Flanking Strike: You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing Physical damage. Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet.
Spear Focus: Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite damage increased by [5/
Survival Row 7
Explosives Expert: Kill Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by [2.5/
Sharp Edges: Critical damage dealt increased by [2/
Sweeping Spear: Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Butchery, and Carve damage increased by [5/
Tactical Advantage: Damage of Flanking Strike and Wildfire Bomb increased by [10/
Killer Companion: Kill Command damage increased by [5/
Survival Row 8
Wildfire Infusion: Lace your Wildfire Bomb with extra reagents, randomly giving it an enhancement each time you throw it.
Energetic Ally: You and your pets maximum Focus is increased by [10/
Aspect of the Eagle: Increase the range of your Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite to 40 yards for 15 sec.
Coordinated Assault: You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for Physical damage. You and your pet’s bond is then strengthened for 20 seconds, causing your pet’s Basic Attack to empower your next spell cast:
- Carve: Reduces the cooldown of your Wildfire Bomb by an additional 1 sec.
- Kill Shot: Applies Bleeding Gash to your target.
Precision: You and your pets have [2/
Survival Row 9
Deadly Duo: When Kill Command’s cooldown is reset, you have a [5/
Coordinated Kill: Your next Kill Command has a [33/
Survival Row 10
Fury of the Eagle: Furiously strikes all enemies in front of you, dealing Physical damage over 4 sec. Kill Command cooldown resets reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle by 3.0 sec.
Birds of Prey: Attacking your pet’s target with Raptor Strike or Carve extends the duration of Coordinated Assault by 1.5 sec.
Spearhead: You and your pet charge your enemy, striking them for Physical damage. You then become one with your pet for 12 sec. While active, your pet damage is increased by 25%, Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite deal an additional 35% damage over 4 sec, and Kill Command has a 20% increased chance to reset.
Dragonflight-Talentrechner für den Jäger
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