Eine neue Runde Klassentuning in World of Warcraft.
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Das Klassentuning geht in eine neue Runde. Diesmal sind sieben Klassen von World of Warcraft betroffen – allerdings nur im PvP. Mit dem wöchentlichen Reset am 27. April werden einige Specs generft, um eine bessere Balance in PvP-Kämpfen zu gewährleisten.
Also, los geht’s – schauen wir uns alle Änderungen an, die das Klassentuning mit sich bringt.
Ansonsten könnt ihr euch hier nochmal den Original-Bluepost auf Englisch durchlesen:
- Fire
- Blazing Barrier’s absorb is reduced by 25% when engaged in combat with enemy players. This change also affects Blazing Barrier cast by Arcane and Frost’s Triune Ward runecarving power.
- Mistweaver
- Life Cocoon’s absorb increased by 33% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- The effectiveness of Pure Concentration (conduit) has been reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Holy
- Divine Favor (PvP Talent) now increases the healing of Flash of Light or Holy Light by 40% (was 50%).
- Holy Light now heals for an additional 40% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 20%).
- Flash of Light now heals for an additional 25% when engaged om combat with enemy players (was 15%). Retribution and Protection Flash of Light unchanged.
- Holy
- Habiliments of the Empyrean 2-piece set bonus now increases the cooldown reduction of your next Holy-Word-affecting spell by 10 seconds when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 15 seconds).
- Miracle Worker (PvP Talent) now reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity by 10% (was 20%).
- Assassination
- Soulblade Shadowhide 4-piece set bonus now causes your Poisons and Bleeds to expire 50% faster when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 100%).
- Restoration
- Healing Surge now heals for an additional 25% when engaged in combat with enemy players, up from 15%. Enhancement and Elemental healing unchanged.
- Healing Wave now heals for an additional 30% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 10%).
- Theurgic Starspeaker’s Regalia 4-piece set bonus now casts a Chain Heal at 70% effectiveness when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 60%).
- Protection
- Armaments of the infinite infantry 4-piece set bonus now increases the damage of shield slam and thunder clap by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 100%)
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