Der US-Gilde Liquid ist es gelungen, den Firstkill im Race to World First bei Anduin zu holen.
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Bereits Ende April nerfte Blizzard die Bosse im Mausoleum der Ersten, jetzt gibt es die nächste Runde an Abschwächungen. Diesmal sind vor allem der normale und heroische Modus betroffen. Die Änderungen gingen heute mit den wöchentlichen Wartungsarbeiten live. Auf dieser Seite schauen wir uns alle Änderungen genau an!
Anbei, wie immer, der Originalbeitrag von Blizzard:
Dungeons and Raids
Sepulcher of the First Ones
Vigilant Guardian
Fixed an issue where dying with the Unstable Core could cause it to become non-interactive.Lihuvim, Principal Architect
Lihuvim’s corpse can no longer become stuck in the air if killed while casting Realignment. [With realm restarts] Acquisitions Automa’s Detonation radius reduced to 20 yards (was 40) on Normal and Heroic difficulties. [With realm restarts] The cast time of Detonation has been increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds) on Normal and Heroic difficulties.Artificer Xy’mox
[With realm restarts] Xy Spellslinger health reduced by 20%. [With realm restarts] Debilitating Ray periodic damage reduced by 20%.Prototype Pantheon
[With realm restarts] Wildstorm has been removed from Normal and Raid finder difficulties. [With realm restarts] Sinful Projections has been removed from Heroic difficulty. [With realm restarts] Decreased the health of Necrotic Ritualists by 30% health on Normal difficulty, 15% health on Heroic difficulty. [With realm restarts] Decreased the health of Withering Seeds by 30% health on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties, 20% health on Heroic difficulty, and 10% health on Mythic difficulty, but also resolved a bug that caused them to trigger an Invigorating Bloom at 90% health instead of 100% health as the spell description states. [With realm restarts] Resolved a scaling issue causing the Withering Seeds to increase their health too steeply on larger raid sizes.Halondrus the Reclaimer
Fixed an issue causing damage from Lance and Lightshatter Beam to ignore some damage reduction effects. Fixed an issue causing Volatile Charges to break if the player carrying the Volatile Charge disconnected. [With realm restarts] Lightshatter Beam damage decreased by 30% on Raid Finder, Normal and Heroic difficulties. [With realm restarts] Reclaim’s periodic damage effect scales more slowly on Heroic difficulty.Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
[With realm restarts] Missile travel time for Devouring Blood increased to 2.5s (was 2s) on Heroic difficulty.Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle
[With realm restarts] Duration of Disintegration Halo debuff lowered to 5s (was 6s) on Heroic difficulty.Rygelon
[With realm restarts] Increased the duration of Collapsing Quasar Field to 10 seconds on Normal and Heroic difficulties. [With realm restarts] Decreased Rygelon’s health by 5% on Heroic difficulty.The Jailer
[With realm restarts] All trapdoors will now close in Phase 3 on Normal difficulty. [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Decimator on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties. [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Misery on Normal difficulty. [With realm restarts] Decreased rate of growth of Defile on Normal difficulty.
Tazavesh, The Veiled Market
Fixed an issue causing Bazaar Strongarms to sometimes ignore a player carrying market goods.P.O.S.T. Master
Fixed an issue where the P.O.S.T. Master was missing a boss frame.Mythic+
Encrypted Affix
Fixed a bug that would cause two sets of Encrypted Relics to spawn with Amarth, the Harvester after the boss reset in The Necrotic Wake. Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent Encrypted Relics from spawning with the dueling warlords before Xav the Unfallen in Theater of Pain.Player versus Player
[With realm restarts] Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve now increases the duration of crowd control by 25% (was 20%). [With realm restarts] Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve now lasts 12 seconds (was 15 seconds). [With realm restarts] Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve no longer increases the duration of root effects. [With realm restarts] Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve no longer causes the target to become immune to root effects.
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