Das Mausoleum der Ersten wird mit dem Launch von Patch 9.2.5 massiv generft.
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Blizzard krempelt mit dem Release von Patch 9.2.5. am 1. Juni einiges in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands um. Nicht nur gibt es einige neue Inhalte sowie jede Menge Klassentuning – Nerfs für den aktuellen Raid, das Mausolem der Ersten (Sepulcher of the First Ones auf Englisch) sind auch dabei.
Im nachfolgenden findet ihr den originalen Bluepost von Blizzard zu den Nerfs im Mausoleum der Ersten.
Artificer Xy’mox
Decipher Relic cast time increased to 30 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 25 seconds).Prototype Pantheon
Imprinted Safeguards reduce damage and healing taken by 35% on Mythic difficulty (was 50%).Lihuvim, Principal Architect
Lihuvim’s health reduced by 10% on all difficulties. Protoform Schematics health reduced by 10% on all difficulties.Halondrus the Reclaimer
Ephemeral Eruption initial damage reduced significantly on Mythic difficulty. Lightshatter Beam increases the damage taken from Lightshatter Beam by 300% on Heroic difficulty (was 500%).Anduin Wrynn
Anduin Wrynn’s health reduced by 5% on all difficulties. Monstrous Souls health reduced by 5% on all difficulties. Anduin’s Despair health reduced by 10% on all difficulties. Anduin’s Hope movement speed reduced on Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Remorseless Winter damage reduced by 10% on all difficulties. Hopebreaker damage over time reduced by 15% on all difficulties. Fiendish Soul’s Necrotic Claws cooldown increased by 50% on all difficulties.Lords of Dread
Mal’Ganis and Kin’tessa health reduced by 5% on all difficulties. Swarm of Decay and Swarm of Darkness damage reduced by 7.5% on all difficulties. Ravenous Hunger now heals the Inchoate Shadow for 13% on Mythic difficulty (was 10%). Cloud of Carrion no longer disorients when jumping between players on Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Infiltration of Dread duration increased by 10 seconds on Heroic and Mythic difficulty.Rygelon
Collapsing Quasar Field duration increased by 50% on Mythic difficulty.The Jailer
Rune of Compulsion’s absorb reduced by 33% on Normal and Heroic difficulty, and 10% on Mythic difficulty. Misery no longer knocksback on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulty. Decimator no longer knocksback on Raid Finder and Normal difficulty. Diverted Life Shield no longer heals on Mythic difficulty. World Crusher produces 2 less Bloods of Azeroth on Mythic difficulty. World Shatterer produces 1 less Blood of Azeroth on Mythic difficulty. Phase 4 is now triggered at 15% Health on Mythic difficulty.
Anbei findet ihr alle Änderungen auf Deutsch.
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