Fünf Bosse werden im Mausoleum der Ersten generft.
Diese Themen erwarten euch auf dieser Seite
Patch 9.2.5 von World of Warcraft hat schon zahlreiche Nerfs fürs Mausoleum der Ersten gebracht. Den Kerkermeister, für drei Mythic-Bosse und nochmal für Xy’mox, das Pantheon und Rygelon. Das scheint aber immer noch nicht genug zu sein, wie die neuesten Entwicklungen zeigen.
Per Bluepost hat Blizzard bekanntgegeben, noch mehr Bosse im Mausoleum der Ersten zu nerfen. Damit reagieren sie auf Spielerfeedback, wonach einige Bosse im mythischen Modus zu schwer sind beziehungsweise einige Mechaniken den Raid zu hart bestrafen. Welche Nerfs uns erwarten, erfahrt ihr hier.
Die Änderungen gelten ab Mittwoch, dem 22. Juni.
Anbei der originale Beitrag von Blizzard:
We’ve heard feedback that several encounters in Sepulcher of the First Ones would benefit from adjustments, as they’re too difficult due to punishing mechanics, and we want to further reduce the likelihood that those mechanics can quickly cause an unrecoverable wipe.We’ve also send feedback that the Lihuvim encounter was too constrained due to the difficulty of some of the Automa, so we want to make adjustments to open the possibility of different strategies to players. At this time, we plan to make the following adjustments with scheduled weekly maintenance on Tuesday, June 21:Sepulcher of the First Ones
Lihuvim health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty. Resonance Cascade damage reduced by 90% on Mythic difficulty. Increased the cooldown of Guardian Automa’s Form Sentry Automa on Mythic difficulty.Halondrus
Aftershock damage reduced by 75% on Mythic difficulty. Planet Cracker Beam damage reduced by 65% and its damage occurs less frequently on Mythic difficulty.Anduin Wrynn
Hopelessness and Overconfidence duration increased to 16 seconds on all difficulties (was 12 seconds). Blasphemy will no longer be triggered when coming in contact with an unmarked player on Mythic difficulty. The tooltip will reflect this change in a future patch. March of the Damned damage reduced by 75% on all difficulties. Soul Explosion damage and travel speed reduced by 30% on all difficulties. Banish Soul cast time increased to 16 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 12 seconds). Necrotic Detonation cast time increased by 30% on Mythic difficulty.Rygelon
Dark Eclipse now targets 3 players on Mythic difficulty (was 4). Unstable Matter health reduced by 25% on Mythic difficulty.The Jailer
Torment damage reduced by 30% on Mythic difficulty. Unholy Eruption damage reduced by 30% on Mythic difficulty. Rune of Compulsion absorb reduced by 30% on Mythic difficulty. Chain Breaker now targets the nearest 3 allies on Mythic difficulty (was 4). Incarnation of Torment health reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.Diverted Life Shield reduced by 75% on Mythic difficulty.
Chains of Anguish will no longer reposition linked targets when the primary target moves out of range on Mythic difficulty.
Die übersetzten Nerfs im Mausoleum beziehungsweise dem Sepulcher of the First Ones. Dabei gilt: Die Änderungen beziehen sich ausschließlich auf den mythischen Modus.
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